Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Should i talk to him? guys advice wanted?

okay so there is this guy at church he plays the drums so hes always on stage i started liking him and i guess we always stare at each other i went to camp one week and missed to days and he was looking for me shud i talk to himShould i talk to him? guys advice wanted?
I understand that you like him and yet is afraid of the consequences.

What I do logically is lay out the options before me. Talk to him and get to know him..may become very good friends...and more

If it turns out bad, well there's a few million other guys out there. Based on the information you gave us, it seems he likes you as well.

I guess it wouldn't hurt to try it all depends on how much you like him.

*I like a girl, we've known each other quite well and we're mostly together in school. We talk every class but I'm too afraid to ';advance our relationship'; I don't quite know what I'm afraid of, and I think you have the same feeling as I do.

**BUT let me tell you something, the worst feeling you can get is ';having them sitting right next to you and you know that you can never have them.';

';It's hard to wait around for something that will never happen, but it's harder to stop when you know it's all you ever wanted.';

I regret on all the times where I could of hugged her, kissed her, or even said I love her

If you felt what I felt, you will truly understand the meaning of the quotes (***) but i wish you best of luck, talk to that guy get to know him and I hope you don't feel what I feelShould i talk to him? guys advice wanted?
Hell yeah.

Guys can be crazy shy and awkward too, so if you talk to him, he'd feel so much more comfortable. It sounds like he definitely likes you, and you should definitely go for it in my opinion.
uhh yeah you could talk to him, but just cause he was looking for you doenst mean he likes you. sorry but its possible.

please help me?

No, Yes, maybe.

Are you communicating telepathically right now?
yes go for it you never know till you try.

Guys advice on when a guy does this? I am shy?

Ok My guy best friend within the last 2 or three months whenever we are alone and laying down he will put his hands in his pants and start rubbing but he thinks I can't see because of our positions. Yesterday after he took me out to breakfast he was like ';I thought I'd come inside for a little bit'; No one was home and he used the bathroom first then he layed down on my bed and stuck his hands in his pants for a sec then pulled his hand out really quick and he knew I saw. Anyways I'm a virgin he knows I want to wait till marriage.Whenever we mess around he ends up on top of me and won't get up and will just lay there, plus when we hug and then i try to pull away he holds me there a little longer. We've been best friends for two years and I haven't even kissed him. Anyways the next time he does that rub himself what does he want me to do or how should I react I do love him. I mean we cuddle all the time should I lay down and kiss him or what should I do so he knows i want the intimacy.Guys advice on when a guy does this? I am shy?
Wow...this guy isn't holding back is he? First of all, how do you feel about him? If you love him tell him, but let me ask you, are comfortable when he does that? If you are then you obviously have feelings for him..pretty deep one's if you ask me. Obviously this guy wants you..bad, but try to start a relationship other then friendship, if he sticks around then stay with him..there's nothing wrong with having sex, just as long as you two know what you want and are safe about it. Just think with your head first, then your heart, then everything else.Guys advice on when a guy does this? I am shy?
stay away 4rm him
he's not thinking of you really at all. He just wants sex, that's it. He's not thinking of you really - he's fantasizing about you, but he's not treating you with respect.

don't have sex without a commitment (marriage) if he wants sex with you, he needs to make that kind of commitment to you, so he doens' t go and get you pregnant and dump you. He seems like the kind of guy to do something like that. Don't make that mistake.

besides that - do you call him all the time or does he just call you when you call him. What happens when you don't call him. Does he call you? I'm not sure he's even your friend.

He may have a problem with porn -you never know - I'd suspect it. I really would.

Girl/guys advice!?

My girlfriend just broke up with me and i feel like ****! guys wat have you guys done to get over that hill! and girls wat have you done?Girl/guys advice!?
Time is the only thing that will heal you sadly.... I have had many things go wrong... Best thing to do is keep your self busy, and hope for the best!~

I hope you are doing alright feel free to write me if you want.Girl/guys advice!?
Well I pretty much,accept that something was'nt right.No use crying oved spilt milk.So I move on

How do you know when a guy really loves you? guys i need your advice?

or if he takes you seriously and cares about you and sees you as a girlfriend not just friend with privaliges.How do you know when a guy really loves you? guys i need your advice?
I think it's probably obvious... you know whether or not he takes you seriously, and he does things that show he cares...

And you should probably know if he sees you that way or not... I don't know, it's all just obvious. It's pretty black and white. I mean, sometimes dating around blends into an official relationship with a guy. They don't always have to ask ';Will you be my girlfriend?'; I just think it's pretty obvious if you're his girlfriend or a friends with bens...

But if you can't tell, just ask him! And laugh so it takes pressure off :) Good luckHow do you know when a guy really loves you? guys i need your advice?
I'm not a guy, but you'll know when you KNOW. He'll see you as more as than a sex object, he'll listen to you, want to hang out with you, want to make you smile or be happy, and want to be there for you when you need him.
A guy really loves when he does things he has never done for other girls:


- introduces you to family, friends and other girls as his girlfriend (not a friend).

- tells you his deepest fears and goals
if he loves you he will respect you and possibly wait for sex until you both agree on it. if he says it he may be serious or a guys who throws the L word out for attention

Meeting Guys? advice?

i go to an all girl school and just moved to america, and im rather shy any advice on how to meet guys?Meeting Guys? advice?
Here's some advice. American can't marry when they're 12.Meeting Guys? advice?
Dear Tallulla H:

I wrote a post to someone else

about this. I can't find it now.

But ..... Here is what you can do:

Compose %26amp; Print Out a Questionaire!

Here is the premise:

You are Conducting some Research

for an Exciting Class School Project.

The Subject?

Shyness %26amp; a Study In Human

Inter-Personal Dynamics %26amp; Communication

Compose ANY Questions you want!

Write it down %26amp; carry it with you.

If you see a Hot Guy or Guys?

Just approach them %26amp; ask them if

they will assist you in a Class Study about

Shyness! You are from another Country?

PERFECT! How could they turn you down?

Ask the males their name~

Their Email Address~

Age, School, astrological sign, etc.

Ask them about Shyness %26amp; Speaking

to girls.

Are they shy?

Do they find it easy to meet girls?

Might they consider a date of tea

or a movie with you ~ in the future? :-)

etc. etc. ~ Ask um anything you want?

If you are at a Shopping Mall?

Approach the guys!

Interview them with your list!

Write it down on your prepared sheet.

(Don't approach weirdo's)

If young dudes are in line at a movie?

Talk to them! Say~ ';my name is Tallulla!

I am new to America..........

Can I talk to you for a minute about my

Research for School?'; They will say YES!

If they say NO? So what? Go to a Tea/

Coffee Shop %26amp; pull out your prepared

questions %26amp; ask them about Shyness

%26amp; Human Inter-Personal Communication!


Get out there %26amp; meet guys!

HAVE FUN With it!

Over-come your FEARS!

Help Others do the same.

Bring a friend with you!

It would help if you were Both HOT

%26amp; nicely dressed.

Good Luck

Hope this helps~ Tallulla

PS: You can ';Practice'; on your

girl classmates, to gain confidence

for the future, when you casually meet

the guys you seek *walking around!

More Guys Advice Wanted:?

When asked, most guys say that the reason they will not ask a successful attractive woman out is because of his own insecurity, so then what is woman in this situation suppose to do if she wants to find a companion to travel with, go to parties and just relax with? What can possibly make her more approachable than just smiling and being kind to others?More Guys Advice Wanted:?
Why not just ask a guy to travel, go to parties, etc. This IS the year 2007, not 1957. And if you make the ';bounds'; of the relationship (we are just going to a party, nothing more) clear, there is nothing wrong with asking. I have been asked out by women plenty of times, and there is nothing cooler than that. My two best friends are women and that started with them asking me to go with them to a black tie event and to dinner respectively. Just go and ask...More Guys Advice Wanted:?
Scaffold this: NUDE! That's coalescent.
Well they're probably looking for one of these insecure guys
  • colorsilk revlon
  • Girls, Guys advice for a confused heart?

    Ok so there is this guy whom I have been crushing on for two years. He recently told me shyly I may add that he had liked me for a year now. Well now he flirts with me constantly and I will do it lightly back. However...he is now dating an acqauintance of mine now. I have immediately stopped flirting with him and am trying to get over him. One problem...he's still flirting with me. He does it all the time and everywhere. Even in front of his gf. I've known his girl for five years and would never hurt her for my own gain. He came up to be today and grabbed hold of my hand, pulled me close to him, and whispered in my ear ';to not give up on him', that he still likes me a lot. What do I do about this guy?Girls, Guys advice for a confused heart?
    confront him and tell him to stopGirls, Guys advice for a confused heart?
    forget him
    give up on him. its only going to get worse. He has a girlfriend and needs to just be wit her, hes looking for comitment in her and then still flirts with you. thats not right. hes just playing with your heart. it may hurt but its better to give up now then keep flirting and for you to get more attached to him.
    tell him to either stop or break it off w/ the gf. if he doesnt do either then just try your best to ignore him. i know its hard but thats what you have to do.

    best of luck %26lt;3
    It sounds like this guys got some issues...if that's the case your probably better off without him. If he really likes you, and you guys do start dating...it's not exactly the best thing to do to your friend...I'd try to forget he was ever available.
    What! Are you on the waiting list or something. Boo, please do not waste anymore of your time on this guy. He sounds like postage--please wait 4-7 days for shipping.. Just think if you were his girl and he was telling someone else this.. don't think your special and he won't do this to you. I suggest you move on, and sooner than you know it, you'll have someone that will appreciate you and not make you look like your waiting on something in the mail. Take care sweetheart.
    Forget about him, I don't know whether or not what a jerk she has for a bf, but she should know, you are right friendship is more important, and if he likes you so much then why doesn't he confront his gf. your friend should know that you had a crush on him. Ask youself why didn't he come foward before, why make things akward now. If he truly was a good person he would not string you along like that. As well if something does happen between you two while he and your friend are together, you would seriously regret it. Hear what, put yourself in your friend's shoes, how would you feel knowing that your bf, was whispering in someone else's ear to wait. This is like I said a jerk. You deserve better, you both deserve better.
    Tell him that he can't do this to you and his girlfriend,he's putting you in a horrible position,Tell him that he has to make up his mind.......wait a minute........if he likes you why did he go out with your friend in the first place? Ask him that! and c what he says, in any other case you shud try ur best to get over him.
    check thi out yo, if he can flirt with you when he has a girl friend then don't you think he will do the same to you when yo'll start going out, or rather what are the chances of that happening? i think.....60% and that's alot for a guy!!!

    So forget him!!!!!