Sunday, August 22, 2010

I need a guys advice please!!!?

i like this guy and i want to talk to him but im heka shy.

people tell me to go up to him and talk to him, but i feel like hes goin to think im weird.

do guys like it when a girl comes up to you and talks to you even tho you dont even know her???

please helpI need a guys advice please!!!?
Think of it this way. You have nothing to lose by going up to him and talking with him. The worst thing that can happen is that he won't want to talk with you, and were you not to go up to him and talk with him, the worst thing will happen anyway. There is a time when a shy person will need to think about getting out of being shy and changing themselves for themselves. You would be doing yourself a favor by trying to overcome your shyness. One way is to gain more self confidence. Tell yourself that you are okay all the time, and don't say to yourself I am too shy, but rather say I used to be shy and now I am not. This is giving yourself a positive attitude rather than a negative attitude, and will help you in all aspects of your life. It will be noticed by others and will make a big difference in how you are perceived by a guy when you go up to him and try and make conversation. He probably won't think you are weird, but he may think that you are coming on too strong by doing so. This is a chance you may need to take anyway because if you don't, you won't know how he will react and you may miss the chance to get to know a very nice guy. I am a guy, and I would be interested in a girl who came up to me and tried to strike up a conversation. Stop being shy, as it will have the tendency to hold you back from a lot of opportunities. Good luck to you.I need a guys advice please!!!?
I just recently reunited with some friends from my younger years, and there was this one guy that i had the biggest crush on for the longest time! So we began talking about the past and he told me that he liked me alot. I told him that i was obsessed with him growing up. So he told me i should have just gone up to him and told him! Wish i would have beck then.

My point is, dont be afraid. What have you got to loose??? If you like him that much, i think you owe it to yourself to go find out. Cause if not you'll always live your life wondering what if?

You never know! He could totally be crushing on you also!

And if he turns you down, screw him. You took your chance and thats all that matters :)
deffinantly aproach him, us guys want a girl who will aproach us, a girl who has balls (if you would please excuse the metaphor) and it helps when the guy knows ur shy and u aproach him, cuz that tells him u went thru a lot just to go up to him and start talking with him, it really will make his day, and u will be feeling alive
The best way to approach a shy person is one their level. Meaning, don't go up to him and be like ';Why are you so quite?'' Start off a conversation in a quite way. Trust me, we love it when a girl has enough confidence to approach us!
All you gotta do is keep this in mind if he already has a girl friend don't think it's the end of the world because there are over 5 million other boys in the world so there's always other boys in the world so just ask him out

I would LOVE girls to do that.

Seriously. All we want is girls to tell us how they feel. We can't be bothered with all the 'yeah maybe I like you' stuff. Just tell us straight.

(Answer my question if you can? I kinda need a girls advice. :P)
I think that's the best feeling in the world when a girl likes a guy so much she's willing to go up to him. It feels awesome and makes our day
You're weird. Don't come up to me. I don't talk to strangers. Just kidding.
your hilarious
yes, tell him u like him also

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