Thursday, August 19, 2010

Girls and guys advice!!?

girls: i am you average pale skin teenager.i have a yellowish undertone and i have grayish blue eyes. my hair is a strawberry blond. and i want to dye it either a darker brown with a tint of red almost lyk a red wine would have.. or... a medium-dark chestnut brown. opinions please! if u have a color that you think would look better please tell me!

guys- do u like brunettes?Girls and guys advice!!?
i LOVE brunettesGirls and guys advice!!?
girls: u have pretty eyes. grayish blue soo pretty. I think a strawberry blonde would look very good on a paleish teen. If you are extremely dedicated to dieing your hair I would think you should go with a brunette or dirty blonde hair color with a tint of pinkish red coloring at the end.

guys: i dont think it matters what color your hair is. It is also about facial features and your characteristic traits.

hope u lyk the advice

hugs xx
if u r a good color coordinateor like me id say a chesnut brown with a hint of red for a better color just to say hey guys look at me!!!! and sit out in the sun for a while get a tan and the sun gives your hair natural highlights i got em this summer!
i think you should have sent a picture of yourself so we could see how you look like? i actually like the strawberry blonde better than your any other choices, but if you don't like your original hair color than i say you should go with the chesnut brown
Why i would kill to have straberry blond hair im a burnette with a lot of blond in my hair sometimes peoples ask if i got high lights........i guess the first choice with the tint of red
i say medium-dark chestnut brown. and keep some of the strawberry blonde underneath (i think its called a skunk or something like that)
Dont put up a pic, you will probably get commented on your looks. You gave a pretty good description.

I think that you would look good with wine-red hair. It will bring out the color of your eyes
chesnut brown is a very gorgeous hair color, just make sure its not too strong. make it a pretty color, and you will look great! good luck. %26lt;33 ;]
it sounds like a really, really dark red colour would really suit you-like a deep auburn with a really red tint
I LOVE brunettes. They are the best by far. Redheads are fine too.
I like the idea of putting a bit of darker red in your hair. (;
i like brunettes
yes i like brunettes
i like medium dark chesnut brown! hope that helped
i think the medium brown. i love that hair color
you should put a pic of yourself so we can see.
im not a guy but i just know they r gonna say yes!

lol ... well they should :]
dark brown
yes, but i'm more of a redhead fan.
silly rabbit trix are for kids
hair color doesnt really matter how does the girl look like o.o

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