My flat mate and I are bi females- we were previously in a relationship together. We have just taken on a great guy as a flat mate who is straight.
My female flat mate and I are quite physical with each other. We have toned it down a whole lot, but I think we may be making the new guy uncomfortable.
The other day he saw me coming out of my flat mate's bedroom in my nightie and he went really red; he caught my flat mate standing behind me in the kitchen and juggling my ti ts (it was a joke) and he went red again.
What can I say to him to make him feel more comfortable - I feel a bit awkward about this.
If you have lived with lesb ian or bi women - would this make you feel uncomfortable.Guys need your advice- 2 bi females and a straight guy sharing a flat?
If he isn't romantically involved with either of you why should it matter (unless he wants to join in and you don't want him to, that potentially could drive him crazy). You might want to keep it toned down in front of him if you don't want to drive him crazy or have him join.
I was involved with a woman who had a g/f who lived two blocks away. It was great fun at first, but the other woman being there all the time started to get on my nerves after awhile, but that was because of my emotional envolvement.
Which brings me back to my original point, if the 3 of you are not currently involved with each other, why should it matter.Guys need your advice- 2 bi females and a straight guy sharing a flat?
just ask the poor boy to join yinz and chances are that he will participate or 'supervise' lol. he turns red because hes embarrassed and quite shy. itll take him some time to come around.
my ex was bi and we didnt click
Just let him get used to it. He just needs some time to adjust. I've lived in some weirds situations before but after a little while everything finds it's groove. Cheers!
Your killing the poor guy give him a little so he will lighten up
You and your mate should invite him to participate in the ';69'; chew chew.
no lol i would like it but what im guessing is that he wish it was intended for him not for the girl becuase you and ur mate well you just brought him there for the fun run. he wants to be wanted to
ask him if he wants to join in
e mail me plz!
You should see if he wants to juggle one of the t1ts so he isn't left out. I can't believe you were so rude and didn't make that offer already! If that doesn't work, i would say kick him out. I'm looking for a place to live by the way. I'm willing to relocate. If it doesn't work out...
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