Thursday, August 19, 2010

I need guy advice... plzz guys only?

this guy keeps flirting with me in a way, every time he sees another girl- he always makes a nice comment bout her- he talks bout girls wen im around too- he tries to make me laugh at soem points too- so wut do u guys think- r we just frends

??I need guy advice... plzz guys only?
Maybe. but the more he does it make's me think that he is trying way to hard to get some attention besides i think alot of women hate that.I need guy advice... plzz guys only?
This guy is just having fun and flirting. It seems like you and him aren't an item but just beware he is a flirt and if you do go for him that is probably what he will always do until he dies. Sometimes I flirt without meaning to but people laugh when I do it. I guess it is funny.

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