Thursday, July 29, 2010

Serious Adult Relationship Problem ---Guys Advice Preferred?

I have a serious question for those of you that are in or have been in a realtionship where a your period/girlfriends period has prevented sex in a relationship? Does being on your period really bother you guys? Does this even make a difference? I am engaged and this is hurting me is so many ways...Serious Adult Relationship Problem ---Guys Advice Preferred?
I had some problems when my husband and I had been together for about a year where I bled all the time. If we had waited we would've been some mean people because that went on for 2 years while the drs tried to figure out the problem. I know for me I stay away from sex the first day or two because I don't feel good but after that if we want to we just throw a towel down. I really think that everybody worries too much about that. Afterall you can get kinda sticky and nasty even if you aren't on your period.Serious Adult Relationship Problem ---Guys Advice Preferred?
Doesn't bother me, but some have religious problems with it.
I give oral only when on my period. I'm sure this will change once I find the guy I am going to spend the rest of my life with.

But, it's just waaaaay too personal and private for anyone else.
why is it hurting you? you don't think blood is gross? i find this very odd how women think blood is gross except when it's coming out of their vagina. hmm

well i did it with a condom on and it was ok because it kept my penis clean, but i don't know if i'd do it without one.... i might try. but most guys think it's gross.
I had problems befor just because of the mind set but after I tried it, there was no difference at all. And it was much more enjoyable.
This question is one of a personal preference and there is no right or wrong answer. Girls periods last only about 5 days, you can always wait. But for me the blood is kindof gross and you can smell it so no I would pass on that. It is not that he doesn't love you or want to be with you it is honestly personal preference.

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